Looking for that perfect wallpaper for your project? We have it. Whether your dollhouse requires modern or Victorian wallpaper we have something that will fit the era of your house. Make your dollhouse your own with backgrounds of your choosing. There are a million wallpapering ideas available for your dollhouse here including wallpaper panels to give your space that little extra je ne sais quix. From Itsy Bitsy to Minigraphics wallpaper your dollhouse will be transformed.
How to wallpaper a dollhouse:
The best way to wallpaper your dollhouse is step by step. We normally recommend buying three sheets of wallpaper per room. Your dollhouses kitchen wallpaper may need that many sheets. That way the seam where the wallpapers join together can be in the corners. You can sometimes get away with only using two sheets of wallpaper if your room is smaller such as the wallpaper in your dollhouses bathroom.
What glue to use for dollhouse wallpaper:
At The Little Dollhouse Company we actually create our own glue mixture to adhere wallpaper to walls. We do that using a mix of glue, water and a drop of dish soap. We highly recommend Weldbond for this mixture. It's the same glue we recommend using to assemble your dollhouse.
4 parts Weldbond
1 part water
1 drop of dish soap
It's the best thing to get that paper adhered.
Dollhouse Wallpaper
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